Simple content pages or complex landing pages. blökkli provides a solid modular framework to build your own editing experience - with any backend.
Navigate the basics of page building with unparalleled ease. blökkli's core functionalities are designed to enhance your productivity, from simple edits to complex page structures.
Quickly perform basic edits and manage your content efficiently.
Select multiple blocks using ctrl + click or drag-and-drop, visualized with a clear selection rectangle.
Effortlessly undo or redo actions and explore the complete history of your edits for full control.
Customize your design
Add customizable options and interactive capabilities to your blocks. Unlock the potential with unique aesthetics and functionality.
Change the behavior and appearance of each block with options like background color, alignment, and size.
Pan and zoom like in Photoshop or Figma for precise layout control.
Easily copy-paste text, images, and even YouTube links for enriched content.
Content search
Find blocks, content or media elements
Search for blocks, existing content or media in your CMS or DAM and place them right away as blocks on your page.
Multi Everything
blökkli transcends language barriers and offers advanced previewing options, ensuring your content resonates globally.
blökkli supports a multilingual workflow. When translating content, the structure can not be altered.
If supported by the backend, blökkli can generate a QR code that can be scanned on a smartphone to see and feel a preview of the page, with live reloading.
Direct mobile preview from within the editor. Instantly see how changes affect mobile rendering.
Teamwork Made Easy
blökkli encourages teamwork and flexibility, allowing you to comment, share, and integrate seamlessly.
Add comments to pages or blocks for effective team communication.
Reuse blocks across multiple pages with a shared library enabling truly consistent content.
Implement custom actions like extracting links or rewriting text with ChatGPT integration.
Mobile Editing
Access all blökkli features in a user-friendly mobile interface. All features of blökkli are working in your mobile browser and with touch devices. You can add, edit and optimize your content while rushing to the next meeting.
Developer Experience
Blocks are rendered with minimal overhead. Full SSR support, no leaking CSS.
blökkli only requires a simple data structure and integrates with any CMS using a single adapter interface.
blökkli provides an adapter to integrate the editor with any existing Paragraphs based Drupal setup.
Extend adapters to your own requirements. For example, add an external comment service or write your own.
Write your own adapter for integrating blökkli with your CMS or any backend.
blökkli comes with an adapter to integrate the editor in existing or new Paragraphs based setups. The "paragraphs_blokkli" Drupal module implements all features required to use blökkli as your editing experience.
By the way, this list is built dynamically and is possible thanks to the 'Fragments' feature!
Provides the container to render a list of blocks to add or add actions.
Provides a dynamic add block action to add one or more blocks generated by an AI assistant.
Wraps the entire page in an artboard that can be zoomed and moved using the mouse.
Renders a list of block bundles that can be added to the current page.
Provides a command palette with search to access most UI features with a keyboard.
Provides clipboard integration to copy/paste existing blocks or paste supported clipboard content like text or images.
Provides comment functionality for blocks.
Provides debugging functionality.
Provides an action to delete one or more blocks.
Displays a diff of all changes in the edit state.
Provides block actions to convert one or more blocks to a different bundle.
Renders an overlay when dragging or placing a block.
Provides an action to duplicate one or more blocks in place.
Provides an action to edit a block.
Listens to edit events and renders an iframe containing the edit form.
Implements a form overlay to edit a single field of a block.
Renders the title and status of the page entity.
Provides a view option to hide non-editable parts of the page.
Provides a menu button to exit the editor without saving.
Provides a view option to render the field areas with labels.
Provides way to add content fragments defined by the frontend.
Provides a view option to render a grid.
Provides a sidebar pane with helpful information on how to use blokkli.
Implements a menu action that renders a dialog to import blocks from another entity.
Implements support for history features (undo, redo, list of mutations).
Implements support for a block library to manage reusable blocks.
Implements support for selecting multiple blocks using a select rectangle.
Renders the options form for one or more blocks.
Implements a media library to easily drag and drop media like images or videos.
Renders a large button to take ownership of the current edit state.
Provides a button to open a dialog with a QR code to preview the page on a smartphone.
Displays the blocks as a structure in the preview.
Provides a button to open a preview in a new window.
Provides a menu button to publish the changes of the current entity.
Provides a responsive preview of the current edit state in an iframe.
Provides a menu button to revert all changes done on the current entity.
Provides an overlay with shortcut to search for blocks on the current page or existing content to add as blocks.
Renders an overlay that highlights the selected blocks.
Provides a menu button to display a settings dialog.
Provides a sidebar button to render a structured list of all blocks on the current page.
Renders a button on touch devices to cancel touch actions.
Implements a theme editor.
Provides integration for block transform plugins.
Provides a sidebar pane to render validations.
Provides a tour overlay to get to know the editor.
Adds support for block translations.